Season 2

The period of time between me learning chords and installing firefox.


This song contains a key change. and nothing much else. well it's nice at least.

Tech Island

I'm gonna be honest, i forgot about this one. i wrote this when i was so obsessed with MSM to make an entire island out of it based on the "tech" element. My autism burned out halfway trough writing the song, but it was fun while it lasted!

Cool Battle

An unfinished song, surprisingly good for how old it is. great strategy of keeping time with the bass notes and completely fucking off (hey can i swear here?) with the percussions!

Waltor White

From here on out all titles look something like this. I heard about the andalusian cadence (I - VII - VI - V), a chord loop commonly used in spanish music, and wanted to make something out of it.


The first recognisable appearence of Jackson. i hope you like this because i remixed this to hell and back! The chords are from Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3, which was suspected to have been written by Micheal Jackson. (actually, did we figure this one out yet?)

Xilophone Pronounced Persephone

This one is not really that important, but it is just enough to make sense. Also the name was funny.

Minus World

One of my most controversial songs, as in some people did not like it. comprehensibly. This song uses the 7/4 time signature and generally does everything in her power to make you feel unconfortable. it has once been described (by me since no one would listen to this willingly) as "finding yourself in a strange and weird place, and realizing too late that it's trying to kill you"


Some progress made from last version, but we are still far from completion. Percussions have been shamelessly stolen from Village Battle.


Jazz is when there's swing and a saxophone, right?