the Worsttm season. Mostly remixes.
Written for the hit-game Super Sgrodolante Bros (working title, may translate it with something else). Look i'm supposed to talk about the game here but this song sucks so much i don't really feel like it. Just go play it when it's out, ok? i promise it's better than this.
It's Earthbound time! Erfboud! erf erf erfbound! Erf-bound- Erfbound! erf erf- MOTHER2~ Erfbound! Also this song plays in the cliff that time forgot, a place where you got too late just on time.
Game over theme. I wanted to try and play with Major and Minor scale notes to see how that worked.
Songs about metro stations near me. You have probably never heard any of them, which is perfectly normal as Rome is famous for things other than it's underground transport, i have heard.
Serious from Mother3. That's it. Do you know how hard it is to find a decent midi of this? Second version is the same but in the format the game uses internally to keep time.
Music if i pass the year + music if i don't pass the year. Yeah. I got back pains from stressing about this for like a month before the end of school. Don't worry i passed and am going perfectly fine now! (besides, you know. That subject.)
Final Judgement. Perfect for waiting for the list of people that passed from the school while reading the bets you wrote down troughout all year. Best experienced listened at a deafening volume in a dark room too big for you to know where you are while hidden shadowy figures look down upon you from their seats on a table you can only see the base of.